Generate SDMX-ML from Python objects#

sdmx was developed to retrieve SDMX-formatted data from web services and convert it to pandas objects.

The opposite—creating SDMX messages from Python or pandas objects—is also possible. (Helper code to simplify this process is still a planned future development.) This page gives a minimal demonstration.

Create some example data#

This data has:

  • 8 observations.

  • 2 dimensions with the identifiers (IDs) “TIME_DETAIL” and “REF_AREA”.

  • 1 attribute with the ID “UNIT_MEASURE”.

  • The measure—i.e. the quantity for which each observation provides a single value—has the generic ID “OBS_VALUE”.

We store the data in a pandas.DataFrame, with each row corresponding to one observation. For example, the first observation has:

  • Dimension values TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=1. These are the key for the observation.

  • The value “PT” for the UNIT_MEASURE attribute.

  • A value of 50 for the primary measure.

In [1]: import pandas as pd

# List of dimensions
In [2]: D = ["TIME_DETAIL", "REF_AREA"]

# List of measures
In [3]: M = ["OBS_VALUE"]

# List of attributes
In [4]: A = ["UNIT_MEASURE"]

# Keys, attributes, and values together in a single data frame
In [5]: data = pd.DataFrame(
   ...:     columns=D + M + A,
   ...:     data=[
   ...:         [2016, 1, 50, "PT"],
   ...:         [2017, 1, 60, "PT"],
   ...:         [2016, 2, 70, "PT"],
   ...:         [2017, 2, 80, "PT"],
   ...:         [2016, 1, 5000, "USD"],
   ...:         [2017, 1, 6000, "USD"],
   ...:         [2016, 2, 7000, "USD"],
   ...:         [2017, 2, 8000, "USD"],
   ...:     ],
   ...: )

In [6]: data
0         2016         1         50           PT
1         2017         1         60           PT
2         2016         2         70           PT
3         2017         2         80           PT
4         2016         1       5000          USD
5         2017         1       6000          USD
6         2016         2       7000          USD
7         2017         2       8000          USD

Create a data structure definition (DSD)#

The module sdmx.model contains the classes needed to describe the structure of this data set. A DSD collects objects that describe the structure of the data. There are different classes to describe dimensions, measures, and attributes.

In [7]: import sdmx

In [8]: from sdmx.model import (
   ...:     DataStructureDefinition,
   ...:     Dimension,
   ...:     PrimaryMeasure,
   ...:     DataAttribute,
   ...: )

# Create an empty DSD
In [9]: dsd = DataStructureDefinition(id="CUSTOM_DSD")

# Add 1 Dimension object to the DSD for each dimension of the data.
# Dimensions must have a explicit order for make_key(), below.
In [10]: for order, id in enumerate(D):
   ....:     dsd.dimensions.append(Dimension(id=id, order=order))

# `A` only has 1 element, but this code will work with 2 or more.
In [11]: for id in A:
   ....:     dsd.attributes.append(DataAttribute(id=id))

In [12]: for id in M:
   ....:     dsd.measures.append(PrimaryMeasure(id=id))

# No longer needed
In [13]: del D, M, A


This is a minimal example, so we don’t further describe the structure, even though sdmx.model offers the full SDMX information model.

We could, for instance, use a Codelist to add internationalized names, annotations, and other information to the codes “PT” and “USD” used for the “UNIT_MEASURE” attribute, and thus restrict the values of this attribute to the codes in that list.

Or, we could add Concept objects to give a full description of what is meant by “REF_AREA”—regardless of whether it appears as a dimension or an attribute.

Populate a data set with observations#

The next step is to convert the data frame to Observation objects. We define a new function, make_obs, that operates on one row of the data frame. The function generates a single Observation object by using the different columns as key values (for dimensions), attributes, or the observation value, as appropriate.

In [14]: from sdmx.model import Key, AttributeValue, Observation

# `key` is a Key that gives values for each dimension.
# `attrs` is a dictionary of attribute values (here, only 1).
# `value_for` refers to the measure.
# `value` is the observation value for that measure.
In [15]: def make_obs(row):
   ....:     key = dsd.make_key(Key, row[[ for d in dsd.dimensions]])
   ....:     attrs = {
   ....: AttributeValue(value_for=a, value=row[])
   ....:       for a in dsd.attributes
   ....:     }
   ....:     return Observation(
   ....:          dimension=key,
   ....:          attached_attribute=attrs,
   ....:          value_for=dsd.measures[0],
   ....:          value=row[dsd.measures[0].id],
   ....:     )


Because the DSD is a complete description of the structure of the data, notice that make_obs can use its properties to retrieve the IDs for dimensions, attributes, and the primary measure.

The variables D, M, and A were already deleted and aren’t used anymore.

Next, we use the built-in method pandas.DataFrame.apply() to run this function on each row of data.

# Convert each row of `data` to an Observation
# apply() returns a pd.Series; convert to a list
In [16]: observations = data.apply(make_obs, axis=1).to_list()

This list of Observation objects can now be used to create Datasets.

Because of the structure of our data, there are only 4 unique keys for 8 observations. For instance, the key TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=1 appears twice, each time with a different value for the UNIT_MEASURE attribute. The SDMX information model requires that every observation in a data set has a unique key. We meet this requirement by creating two data sets, so that each data set contains a set of unique keys.

In [17]: from sdmx.model import DataSet

# Only the Observations with UNIT_MEASURE="PT"
In [18]: ds1 = DataSet(structured_by=dsd, obs=observations[:4])

In [19]: ds1
Out[19]: DataSet(annotations=[], action=None, attrib={}, valid_from=None, described_by=None, structured_by=<DataStructureDefinition CUSTOM_DSD>, obs=[Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=PT>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=1>, value=50, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=PT>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2017, REF_AREA=1>, value=60, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=PT>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=2>, value=70, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=PT>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2017, REF_AREA=2>, value=80, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set())], series={}, group={})

# Observations with UNIT_MEASURE="USD"
In [20]: ds2 = DataSet(structured_by=dsd, obs=observations[4:])

In [21]: ds2
Out[21]: DataSet(annotations=[], action=None, attrib={}, valid_from=None, described_by=None, structured_by=<DataStructureDefinition CUSTOM_DSD>, obs=[Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=USD>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=1>, value=5000, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=USD>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2017, REF_AREA=1>, value=6000, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=USD>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=2>, value=7000, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=USD>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2017, REF_AREA=2>, value=8000, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set())], series={}, group={})

The DSD is also connected to each data set.

Encapsulate in messages and write to file#

SDMX files always contain complete messages with either data or structure. To write the ds1 and ds2 objects to file, we need to enclose them in a message object.

An SDMX data message doesn’t refer to a DSD directly, but to a data flow definition (DFD), which in turn refers to the DSD. We create a DFD as well.

In [22]: from sdmx.model import DataflowDefinition

In [23]: from sdmx.message import DataMessage

# The DFD points to the DSD
In [24]: dfd = DataflowDefinition(id="CUSTOM_DFD", structure=dsd)

# The data message contains the data set, and points to the data flow
In [25]: msg1 = DataMessage(data=[ds1, ds2], dataflow=dfd)

# Write in SDMX-ML (XML) format
In [26]: with open("data-message.xml", "wb") as f:
   ....:     f.write(sdmx.to_xml(msg1))

We also write the DFD and DSD to file. This step is not required: sdmx could infer these when reading data-message.xml. However, the very purpose of the SDMX standard is to enable good practice, to be explicit and unambigious about how data is structured and what it means.

In [27]: from sdmx.message import StructureMessage

# Structure messages can contain many instances of several kinds
# of structure objects. See the documentation.
In [28]: msg2 = StructureMessage(
   ....:     dataflow={ dfd},
   ....:     structure={ dsd},
   ....: )

In [29]: with open("structure-message.xml", "wb") as f:
   ....:     f.write(sdmx.to_xml(msg2))

Check the results#

We read the data from the files just generated.

# Delete references to all the objects just created
In [30]: del msg1, msg2, ds1, ds2, dfd, dsd, observations

# Re-read from files
In [31]: msg3 = sdmx.read_sdmx("structure-message.xml")

In [32]: msg4 = sdmx.read_sdmx(
   ....:   "data-message.xml", dsd=msg3.structure["CUSTOM_DSD"]
   ....: )

# Convert to a data frame, including attributes in a column
In [33]: dfs = sdmx.to_pandas(msg4, attributes="o")

In [34]: dfs
[                      value UNIT_MEASURE
 TIME_DETAIL REF_AREA                    
 2016        1          50.0           PT
 2017        1          60.0           PT
 2016        2          70.0           PT
 2017        2          80.0           PT,
                        value UNIT_MEASURE
 TIME_DETAIL REF_AREA                     
 2016        1         5000.0          USD
 2017        1         6000.0          USD
 2016        2         7000.0          USD
 2017        2         8000.0          USD]

to_pandas() converts each data set in the message to a separate pandas object with a unique pandas.MultiIndex, so this call returns a list containing two data frames.

We can also combine these data frames into a single one, with a non-unique index, and then use pandas.DataFrame.reset_index() to recover the initial structure:

In [35]: pd.concat(dfs).reset_index()
0        2016        1    50.0           PT
1        2017        1    60.0           PT
2        2016        2    70.0           PT
3        2017        2    80.0           PT
4        2016        1  5000.0          USD
5        2017        1  6000.0          USD
6        2016        2  7000.0          USD
7        2017        2  8000.0          USD


Simplifying the process of authoring different kinds of SDMX objects and messages is a priority enhancement for sdmx. Contributions are welcome; see Development.