Development *********** This page describes the development of :mod:`sdmx`. Contributions are welcome! - For current development priorities, see the list of `GitHub milestones `_ and issues/PRs targeted to each. - For wishlist features, see issues on GitHub tagged `‘enh’ `_ or `‘wishlist’ `_. .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: none Code style ========== - Apply the following to new or modified code:: isort -rc . && black . && mypy . && flake8 Respectively, these: - **isort**: sort import lines at the top of code files in a consistent way, using `isort `_. - **black**: apply `black `_ code style. - **mypy**: check typing using `mypy `_. - **flake8**: check code style against `PEP 8 `_ using `flake8 `_. - Follow `the 7 rules of a great Git commit message `_. - Write docstrings in the `numpydoc `_ style. .. _testing: Test specimens ============== .. versionadded:: 2.0 A variety of *specimens*—example files from real web services, or published with the standards—are used to test that :mod:`sdmx` correctly reads and writes the different SDMX message formats. Since v2.0, specimens are stored in the separate `sdmx-test-data `_ repository. Running the test suite requires these files. To retrieve them, use one of the following methods: 1. Obtain the files by one of two methods: a. Clone ``khaeru/sdmx-test-data``:: $ git clone b. Download 2. Indicate where pytest can find the files, by one of two methods: a. Set the `SDMX_TEST_DATA` environment variable:: # Set the variable only for one command $ SDMX_TEST_DATA=/path/to/files pytest # Export the variable to the environment $ export SDMX_TEST_DATA $ pytest b. Give the option ``--sdmx-test-data=`` when invoking pytest:: $ pytest --sdmx-test-data=/path/to/files The files are: - Arranged in directories with names matching particular sources in :file:`sources.json`. - Named with: - Certain keywords: - ``-structure``: a structure message, often associated with a file with a similar name containing a data message. - ``ts``: time-series data, i.e. with a TimeDimensions at the level of individual Observations. - ``xs``: cross-sectional data arranged in other ways. - ``flat``: flat DataSets with all Dimensions at the Observation level. - ``ss``: structure-specific data messages. - In some cases, the query string or data flow/structure ID as the file name. - Hyphens ``-`` instead of underscores ``_``. Releasing ========= Before releasing, check: - to ensure that the push and scheduled builds are passing. - to ensure that the docs build is passing. Address any failures before releasing. 1. Edit :file:`doc/whatsnew.rst`. Comment the heading "Next release", then insert another heading below it, at the same level, with the version number and date. Make a commit with a message like "Mark vX.Y.Z in doc/whatsnew". 2. Tag the version as a release candidate, i.e. with a ``rcN`` suffix, and push:: $ git tag v1.2.3rc1 $ git push --tags origin main 3. Check: - at that the workflow completes: the package builds successfully and is published to TestPyPI. - at that: - The package can be downloaded, installed and run. - The README is rendered correctly. Address any warnings or errors that appear. If needed, make a new commit and go back to step (2), incrementing the rc number. 4. **Optional.** This step (but *not* step (2)) can also be performed directly on GitHub; see (5), next. Tag the release itself and push:: $ git tag v1.2.3 $ git push --tags origin main 5. Visit and mark the new release: either using the pushed tag from (4), or by creating the tag and release simultaneously. 6. Check at and that the distributions are published. Internal code reference ======================= ``testing``: Testing utilities ------------------------------ .. automodule:: sdmx.testing :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: ``util``: Utilities ------------------- .. automodule:: sdmx.util :noindex: :members: BaseModel, summarize_dictlike, validate_dictlike :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Inline TODOs ============ .. todolist::