Source code for sdmx.util

import logging
import typing
from import Iterator
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import pydantic
import requests
from pydantic import Field, ValidationError, validator
from pydantic.class_validators import make_generic_validator
from pydantic.typing import get_origin  # type: ignore [attr-defined]

    import requests_cache
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

KT = TypeVar("KT")
VT = TypeVar("VT")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]class BaseModel(pydantic.BaseModel): """Common settings for :class:`pydantic.BaseModel` in :mod:`sdmx`."""
[docs] class Config: copy_on_model_validation = False validate_assignment = True
class MaybeCachedSession(type): """Metaclass to inherit from :class:`requests_cache.CachedSession`, if available. If :mod:`requests_cache` is not installed, returns :class:`requests.Session` as a base class. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): base = ( requests.Session if not HAS_REQUESTS_CACHE else requests_cache.CachedSession ) return super().__new__(cls, name, (base,), dct)
[docs]class DictLike(dict, typing.MutableMapping[KT, VT]): """Container with features of a dict & list, plus attribute access.""" __slots__ = ("__dict__", "__field") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Ensures attribute access to dict items self.__dict__ = self # Reference to the pydantic.field.ModelField for the entries self.__field = None def __getitem__(self, key: Union[KT, int]) -> VT: """:meth:`dict.__getitem__` with integer access.""" try: return super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError: if isinstance(key, int): # int() index access return list(self.values())[key] else: raise def __getstate__(self): """Exclude ``__field`` from items to be pickled.""" return {"__dict__": self.__dict__} def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None: """:meth:`dict.__setitem` with validation.""" super().__setitem__(*self._validate_entry(key, value)) def __copy__(self): # Construct explicitly to avoid returning the parent class, dict() return DictLike(**self)
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the DictLike.""" return self.__copy__()
# pydantic compat @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls): yield cls._validate_whole @classmethod def _validate_whole(cls, v, field: pydantic.fields.ModelField): """Validate `v` as an entire DictLike object.""" # Convert anything that can be converted to a dict(). pydantic internals catch # most other invalid types, e.g. set(); no need to handle them here. result = cls(v) # Reference to the pydantic.field.ModelField for the entries result.__field = field return result def _validate_entry(self, key, value): """Validate one `key`/`value` pair.""" try: # Use pydantic's validation machinery v, error = self.__field._validate_mapping_like( ((key, value),), values={}, loc=(), cls=None ) except AttributeError: # .__field is not populated return key, value else: if error: raise ValidationError([error], self.__class__) else: return v.popitem()
[docs] def compare(self, other, strict=True): """Return :obj:`True` if `self` is the same as `other`. Two DictLike instances are identical if they contain the same set of keys, and corresponding values compare equal. Parameters ---------- strict : bool, optional Passed to :func:`compare` for the values. """ if set(self.keys()) != set(other.keys()):"Not identical: {sorted(self.keys())} / {sorted(other.keys())}") return False for key, value in self.items(): if not[key], strict): return False return True
# Utility methods for DictLike # # These are defined in separate functions to avoid collisions with keys and the # attribute access namespace, e.g. if the DictLike contains keys "summarize" or # "validate".
[docs]def dictlike_field(): """Shorthand for :class:`pydantic.Field` with :class:`.DictLike` default factory.""" return Field(default_factory=DictLike)
[docs]def summarize_dictlike(dl, maxwidth=72): """Return a string summary of the DictLike contents.""" value_cls = dl[0].__class__.__name__ count = len(dl) keys = " ".join(dl.keys()) result = f"{value_cls} ({count}): {keys}" if len(result) > maxwidth: # Truncate the list of keys result = result[: maxwidth - 3] + "..." return result
[docs]def validate_dictlike(cls): """Adjust `cls` so that its DictLike members are validated. This is necessary because DictLike is a subclass of :class:`dict`, and so :mod:`pydantic` fails to call :meth:`~DictLike.__get_validators__` and register those on BaseModels which include DictLike members. """ # Iterate over annotated members of `cls`; only those which are DictLike for name, anno in filter( lambda item: get_origin(item[1]) is DictLike, cls.__annotations__.items() ): # Add the validator(s) field = cls.__fields__[name] field.post_validators = field.post_validators or [] field.post_validators.extend( make_generic_validator(v) for v in DictLike.__get_validators__() ) return cls
[docs]def compare(attr, a, b, strict: bool) -> bool: """Return :obj:`True` if ``a.attr`` == ``b.attr``. If strict is :obj:`False`, :obj:`None` is permissible as `a` or `b`; otherwise, """ return getattr(a, attr) == getattr(b, attr) or ( not strict and None in (getattr(a, attr), getattr(b, attr)) )
# if not result: #"Not identical: {attr}={getattr(a, attr)} / {getattr(b, attr)}") # return result
[docs]def only(iterator: Iterator) -> Any: """Return the only element of `iterator`, or :obj:`None`.""" try: result = next(iterator) flag = object() assert flag is next(iterator, flag) except (StopIteration, AssertionError): return None # 0 or ≥2 matches else: return result
def parse_content_type(value: str) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Return content type and parameters from `value`. Modified from :mod:`requests.util`. """ tokens = value.split(";") content_type, params_raw = tokens[0].strip(), tokens[1:] params = {} to_strip = "\"' " for param in params_raw: k, *v = param.strip().split("=") if not k and not v: continue params[k.strip(to_strip).lower()] = v[0].strip(to_strip) if len(v) else True return content_type, params @lru_cache() def direct_fields(cls) -> Mapping[str, pydantic.fields.ModelField]: """Return the :mod:`pydantic` fields defined on `obj` or its class. This is like the ``__fields__`` attribute, but excludes the fields defined on any parent class(es). """ return { name: info for name, info in cls.__fields__.items() if name not in set(cls.mro()[1].__fields__.keys()) } try: from typing import get_args # type: ignore [attr-defined] except ImportError: # pragma: no cover # For Python <3.8 def get_args(tp) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: return tp.__args__