Generate SDMX-ML from Python objects

sdmx was developed to retrieve SDMX-formatted data from web services and convert it to pandas objects.

The opposite—creating SDMX messages from Python or pandas objects—is also possible. (Helper code to simplify this process is still a planned future development.) This page gives a minimal demonstration.

Create some example data

This data has:

  • 8 observations.

  • 2 dimensions with the identifiers (IDs) “TIME_DETAIL” and “REF_AREA”.

  • 1 attribute with the ID “UNIT_MEASURE”.

  • The measure—i.e. the quantity for which each observation provides a single value—has the generic ID “OBS_VALUE”.

We store the data in a pandas.DataFrame, with each row corresponding to one observation. For example, the first observation has:

  • Dimension values TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=1. These are the key for the observation.

  • The value “PT” for the UNIT_MEASURE attribute.

  • A value of 50 for the primary measure.

In [1]: import pandas as pd

# List of dimensions
In [2]: D = ["TIME_DETAIL", "REF_AREA"]

# List of measures
In [3]: M = ["OBS_VALUE"]

# List of attributes
In [4]: A = ["UNIT_MEASURE"]

# Keys, attributes, and values together in a single data frame
In [5]: data = pd.DataFrame(
   ...:     columns=D + M + A,
   ...:     data=[
   ...:         [2016, 1, 50, "PT"],
   ...:         [2017, 1, 60, "PT"],
   ...:         [2016, 2, 70, "PT"],
   ...:         [2017, 2, 80, "PT"],
   ...:         [2016, 1, 5000, "USD"],
   ...:         [2017, 1, 6000, "USD"],
   ...:         [2016, 2, 7000, "USD"],
   ...:         [2017, 2, 8000, "USD"],
   ...:     ],
   ...: )

In [6]: data
0         2016         1         50           PT
1         2017         1         60           PT
2         2016         2         70           PT
3         2017         2         80           PT
4         2016         1       5000          USD
5         2017         1       6000          USD
6         2016         2       7000          USD
7         2017         2       8000          USD

Create a data structure definition (DSD)

The module sdmx.model contains the classes needed to describe the structure of this data set. A DSD collects objects that describe the structure of the data. There are different classes to describe dimensions, measures, and attributes.

In [7]: import sdmx

In [8]: from sdmx.model import (
   ...:     DataStructureDefinition,
   ...:     Dimension,
   ...:     PrimaryMeasure,
   ...:     DataAttribute,
   ...: )

# Create an empty DSD
In [9]: dsd = DataStructureDefinition(id="CUSTOM_DSD")

# Add 1 Dimension object to the DSD for each dimension of the data.
# Dimensions must have a explicit order for make_key(), below.
In [10]: for order, id in enumerate(D):
   ....:     dsd.dimensions.append(Dimension(id=id, order=order))

# `A` only has 1 element, but this code will work with 2 or more.
In [11]: for id in A:
   ....:     dsd.attributes.append(DataAttribute(id=id))

In [12]: for id in M:
   ....:     dsd.measures.append(PrimaryMeasure(id=id))

# No longer needed
In [13]: del D, M, A


This is a minimal example, so we don’t further describe the structure, even though sdmx.model offers the full SDMX information model.

We could, for instance, use a Codelist to add internationalized names, annotations, and other information to the codes “PT” and “USD” used for the “UNIT_MEASURE” attribute, and thus restrict the values of this attribute to the codes in that list.

Or, we could add Concept objects to give a full description of what is meant by “REF_AREA”—regardless of whether it appears as a dimension or an attribute.

Populate a data set with observations

The next step is to convert the data frame to Observation objects. We define a new function, make_obs, that operates on one row of the data frame. The function generates a single Observation object by using the different columns as key values (for dimensions), attributes, or the observation value, as appropriate.

In [14]: from sdmx.model import Key, AttributeValue, Observation

# `key` is a Key that gives values for each dimension.
# `attrs` is a dictionary of attribute values (here, only 1).
# `value_for` refers to the measure.
# `value` is the observation value for that measure.
In [15]: def make_obs(row):
   ....:     key = dsd.make_key(Key, row[[ for d in dsd.dimensions]])
   ....:     attrs = {
   ....: AttributeValue(value_for=a, value=row[])
   ....:       for a in dsd.attributes
   ....:     }
   ....:     return Observation(
   ....:          dimension=key,
   ....:          attached_attribute=attrs,
   ....:          value_for=dsd.measures[0],
   ....:          value=row[dsd.measures[0].id],
   ....:     )


Because the DSD is a complete description of the structure of the data, notice that make_obs can use its properties to retrieve the IDs for dimensions, attributes, and the primary measure.

The variables D, M, and A were already deleted and aren’t used anymore.

Next, we use the built-in method pandas.DataFrame.apply() to run this function on each row of data.

# Convert each row of `data` to an Observation
# apply() returns a pd.Series; convert to a list
In [16]: observations = data.apply(make_obs, axis=1).to_list()

This list of Observation objects can now be used to create Datasets.

Because of the structure of our data, there are only 4 unique keys for 8 observations. For instance, the key TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=1 appears twice, each time with a different value for the UNIT_MEASURE attribute. The SDMX information model requires that every observation in a data set has a unique key. We meet this requirement by creating two data sets, so that each data set contains a set of unique keys.

In [17]: from sdmx.model import DataSet

# Only the Observations with UNIT_MEASURE="PT"
In [18]: ds1 = DataSet(structured_by=dsd, obs=observations[:4])

In [19]: ds1
Out[19]: DataSet(annotations=[], action=None, attrib={}, valid_from=None, structured_by=<DataStructureDefinition CUSTOM_DSD>, obs=[Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=PT>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=1>, value=50, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=PT>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2017, REF_AREA=1>, value=60, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=PT>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=2>, value=70, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=PT>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2017, REF_AREA=2>, value=80, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set())], series={}, group={})

# Observations with UNIT_MEASURE="USD"
In [20]: ds2 = DataSet(structured_by=dsd, obs=observations[4:])

In [21]: ds2
Out[21]: DataSet(annotations=[], action=None, attrib={}, valid_from=None, structured_by=<DataStructureDefinition CUSTOM_DSD>, obs=[Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=USD>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=1>, value=5000, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=USD>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2017, REF_AREA=1>, value=6000, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=USD>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2016, REF_AREA=2>, value=7000, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set()), Observation(attached_attribute={'UNIT_MEASURE': <AttributeValue: UNIT_MEASURE=USD>}, series_key=None, dimension=<Key: TIME_DETAIL=2017, REF_AREA=2>, value=8000, value_for=<PrimaryMeasure OBS_VALUE>, group_keys=set())], series={}, group={})

The DSD is also connected to each data set.

Encapsulate in messages and write to file

SDMX files always contain complete messages with either data or structure. To write the ds1 and ds2 objects to file, we need to enclose them in a message object.

An SDMX data message doesn’t refer to a DSD directly, but to a data flow definition (DFD), which in turn refers to the DSD. We create a DFD as well.

In [22]: from sdmx.model import DataflowDefinition

In [23]: from sdmx.message import DataMessage

# The DFD points to the DSD
In [24]: dfd = DataflowDefinition(id="CUSTOM_DFD", structure=dsd)

# The data message contains the data set, and points to the data flow
In [25]: msg1 = DataMessage(data=[ds1, ds2], dataflow=dfd)

# Write in SDMX-ML (XML) format
In [26]: with open("data-message.xml", "wb") as f:
   ....:     f.write(sdmx.to_xml(msg1))

We also write the DFD and DSD to file. This step is not required: sdmx could infer these when reading data-message.xml. However, the very purpose of the SDMX standard is to enable good practice, to be explicit and unambigious about how data is structured and what it means.

In [27]: from sdmx.message import StructureMessage

# Structure messages can contain many instances of several kinds
# of structure objects. See the documentation.
In [28]: msg2 = StructureMessage(
   ....:     dataflow={ dfd},
   ....:     structure={ dsd},
   ....: )

In [29]: with open("structure-message.xml", "wb") as f:
   ....:     f.write(sdmx.to_xml(msg2))

Check the results

We read the data from the files just generated.

# Delete references to all the objects just created
In [30]: del msg1, msg2, ds1, ds2, dfd, dsd, observations

# Re-read from files
In [31]: msg3 = sdmx.read_sdmx("structure-message.xml")

In [32]: msg4 = sdmx.read_sdmx(
   ....:   "data-message.xml", dsd=msg3.structure["CUSTOM_DSD"]
   ....: )

# Convert to a data frame, including attributes in a column
In [33]: dfs = sdmx.to_pandas(msg4, attributes="o")

In [34]: dfs
[                      value UNIT_MEASURE
 TIME_DETAIL REF_AREA                    
 2016        1          50.0           PT
 2017        1          60.0           PT
 2016        2          70.0           PT
 2017        2          80.0           PT,
                        value UNIT_MEASURE
 TIME_DETAIL REF_AREA                     
 2016        1         5000.0          USD
 2017        1         6000.0          USD
 2016        2         7000.0          USD
 2017        2         8000.0          USD]

to_pandas() converts each data set in the message to a separate pandas object with a unique pandas.MultiIndex, so this call returns a list containing two data frames.

We can also combine these data frames into a single one, with a non-unique index, and then use pandas.DataFrame.reset_index() to recover the initial structure:

In [35]: pd.concat(dfs).reset_index()
0        2016        1    50.0           PT
1        2017        1    60.0           PT
2        2016        2    70.0           PT
3        2017        2    80.0           PT
4        2016        1  5000.0          USD
5        2017        1  6000.0          USD
6        2016        2  7000.0          USD
7        2017        2  8000.0          USD


Simplifying the process of authoring different kinds of SDMX objects and messages is a priority enhancement for sdmx. Contributions are welcome; see Development.