Source code for sdmx.writer.pandas

from itertools import chain
from typing import Set, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes import prefix_mapping

from sdmx import message, model
from sdmx.model import (
from sdmx.util import DictLike
from sdmx.writer.base import BaseWriter

#: Default return type for :func:`write_dataset` and similar methods. Either
#: 'compat' or 'rows'. See the ref:`HOWTO <howto-rtype>`.

writer = BaseWriter("pandas")

[docs]def to_pandas(obj, *args, **kwargs): """Convert an SDMX *obj* to :mod:`pandas` object(s). See :ref:`sdmx.writer.pandas <writer-pandas>`. """ return writer.recurse(obj, *args, **kwargs)
# Functions for Python containers @writer def _list(obj: list, *args, **kwargs): """Convert a :class:`list` of SDMX objects.""" if isinstance(obj[0], Observation): return write_dataset(obj, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(obj[0], DataSet) and len(obj) == 1: return writer.recurse(obj[0], *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(obj[0], SeriesKey): assert len(args) == len(kwargs) == 0 return write_serieskeys(obj) else: return [writer.recurse(item, *args, **kwargs) for item in obj] @writer def _dict(obj: dict, *args, **kwargs): """Convert mappings.""" result = {k: writer.recurse(v, *args, **kwargs) for k, v in obj.items()} result_type = set(type(v) for v in result.values()) if result_type <= {pd.Series, pd.DataFrame}: if ( len(set(map(lambda s:, result.values()))) == 1 and len(result) > 1 ): # Can safely concatenate these to a pd.MultiIndex'd Series. return pd.concat(result) else: # The individual pd.Series are indexed by different dimensions; do # not concatenate. return DictLike(result) elif result_type == {str}: return pd.Series(result) elif result_type == {DictLike}: return result elif result_type == set(): # No results return pd.Series() else: raise ValueError(result_type) @writer def _set(obj: set, *args, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`set`.""" result = {writer.recurse(o, *args, **kwargs) for o in obj} return result # Functions for message classes
[docs]@writer def write_datamessage(obj: message.DataMessage, *args, rtype=None, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`.DataMessage`. Parameters ---------- rtype : 'compat' or 'rows', optional Data type to return; default :data:`.DEFAULT_RTYPE`. See the :ref:`HOWTO <howto-rtype>`. kwargs : Passed to :meth:`write_dataset` for each data set. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame` if `obj` has only one data set. list of (:class:`pandas.Series` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`) if `obj` has more than one data set. """ # Pass the message's DSD to assist datetime handling kwargs.setdefault("dsd", obj.dataflow.structure) # Pass the return type and associated information kwargs["_rtype"] = rtype or DEFAULT_RTYPE if kwargs["_rtype"] == "compat": kwargs["_message_class"] = obj.__class__ kwargs["_observation_dimension"] = obj.observation_dimension if len( == 1: return writer.recurse([0], *args, **kwargs) else: return [writer.recurse(ds, *args, **kwargs) for ds in]
[docs]@writer def write_structuremessage(obj: message.StructureMessage, include=None, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`.StructureMessage`. Parameters ---------- obj : .StructureMessage include : iterable of str or str, optional One or more of the attributes of the StructureMessage ( 'category_scheme', 'codelist', etc.) to transform. kwargs : Passed to :meth:`write` for each attribute. Returns ------- .DictLike Keys are StructureMessage attributes; values are pandas objects. """ all_contents = { "category_scheme", "codelist", "concept_scheme", "constraint", "dataflow", "structure", "organisation_scheme", } # Handle arguments if include is None: attr_set = all_contents else: attr_set = set([include] if isinstance(include, str) else include) # Silently discard invalid names attr_set &= all_contents attrs = sorted(attr_set) result: DictLike[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]] = DictLike() for a in attrs: dl = writer.recurse(getattr(obj, a), **kwargs) if len(dl): # Only add non-empty elements result[a] = dl return result
# Functions for model classes @writer def _c(obj: model.Component): """Convert :class:`.Component`.""" # Raises AttributeError if the concept_identity is missing return str( # type: ignore @writer def _cc(obj: model.ContentConstraint, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`.ContentConstraint`.""" if len(obj.data_content_region) != 1: raise NotImplementedError return writer.recurse(obj.data_content_region[0], **kwargs) @writer def _cr(obj: model.CubeRegion, **kwargs): """Convert :class:`.CubeRegion`.""" result: DictLike[str, pd.Series] = DictLike() for dim, memberselection in obj.member.items(): result[] = pd.Series( # cast(): as of PR#30, only MemberValue is supported here [cast(model.MemberValue, mv).value for mv in memberselection.values],, ) return result
[docs]@writer def write_dataset( obj: model.DataSet, attributes="", dtype=np.float64, constraint=None, datetime=False, **kwargs, ): """Convert :class:`~.DataSet`. See the :ref:`walkthrough <datetime>` for examples of using the `datetime` argument. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`~.DataSet` or iterable of :class:`~.Observation` attributes : str Types of attributes to return with the data. A string containing zero or more of: - ``'o'``: attributes attached to each :class:`~.Observation` . - ``'s'``: attributes attached to any (0 or 1) :class:`~.SeriesKey` associated with each Observation. - ``'g'``: attributes attached to any (0 or more) :class:`~.GroupKey` associated with each Observation. - ``'d'``: attributes attached to the :class:`~.DataSet` containing the Observations. dtype : str or :class:`numpy.dtype` or None Datatype for values. If None, do not return the values of a series. In this case, `attributes` must not be an empty string so that some attribute is returned. constraint : .ContentConstraint, optional If given, only Observations included by the *constraint* are returned. datetime : bool or str or or .Dimension or dict, optional If given, return a DataFrame with a :class:`~pandas.DatetimeIndex` or :class:`~pandas.PeriodIndex` as the index and all other dimensions as columns. Valid `datetime` values include: - :class:`bool`: if :obj:`True`, determine the time dimension automatically by detecting a :class:`~.TimeDimension`. - :class:`str`: ID of the time dimension. - :class:`~.Dimension`: the matching Dimension is the time dimension. - :class:`dict`: advanced behaviour. Keys may include: - **dim** (:class:`~.Dimension` or :class:`str`): the time dimension or its ID. - **axis** (`{0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns'}`): axis on which to place the time dimension (default: 0). - **freq** (:obj:`True` or :class:`str` or :class:`~.Dimension`): produce :class:`pandas.PeriodIndex`. If :class:`str`, the ID of a Dimension containing a frequency specification. If a Dimension, the specified dimension is used for the frequency specification. Any Dimension used for the frequency specification is does not appear in the returned DataFrame. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` - if `attributes` is not ``''``, a data frame with one row per Observation, ``value`` as the first column, and additional columns for each attribute; - if `datetime` is given, various layouts as described above; or - if `_rtype` (passed from :func:`write_datamessage`) is 'compat', various layouts as described in the :ref:`HOWTO <howto-rtype>`. :class:`pandas.Series` with :class:`pandas.MultiIndex` Otherwise. """ # If called directly on a DataSet (rather than a parent DataMessage), # cannot determine the "dimension at observation level" rtype = kwargs.setdefault("_rtype", "rows") # Validate attributes argument attributes = attributes or "" try: attributes = attributes.lower() except AttributeError: raise TypeError("'attributes' argument must be str") if rtype == "compat" and kwargs["_observation_dimension"] is not AllDimensions: # Cannot return attributes in this case attributes = "" elif set(attributes) - {"o", "s", "g", "d"}: raise ValueError(f"attributes must be in 'osgd'; got {attributes}") # Iterate on observations data = {} for observation in getattr(obj, "obs", obj): # Check that the Observation is within the constraint, if any key = observation.key.order() if constraint and key not in constraint: continue # Add value and attributes row = {} if dtype: row["value"] = observation.value if attributes: # Add the combined attributes from observation, series- and group keys row.update(observation.attrib) if "d" in attributes: # Add the attributes of the data set row.update(getattr(obj, "attrib", dict())) data[tuple(map(str, key.get_values()))] = row result: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( data, orient="index" ) if len(result): result.index.names = observation.key.order().values.keys() if dtype: result["value"] = result["value"].astype(dtype) if not attributes: result = result["value"] # Reshape for compatibility with v0.9 result, datetime, kwargs = _dataset_compat(result, datetime, kwargs) # Handle the datetime argument, if any return _maybe_convert_datetime(result, datetime, obj=obj, **kwargs)
def _dataset_compat(df, datetime, kwargs): """Helper for :meth:`.write_dataset` 0.9 compatibility.""" rtype = kwargs.pop("_rtype") if rtype != "compat": return df, datetime, kwargs # Do nothing # Remove compatibility arguments from kwargs kwargs.pop("_message_class") obs_dim = kwargs.pop("_observation_dimension") if isinstance(obs_dim, list) and len(obs_dim) == 1: # Unwrap a length-1 list obs_dim = obs_dim[0] if obs_dim in (AllDimensions, None): pass # Do nothing elif isinstance(obs_dim, TimeDimension): # Don't modify *df*; only change arguments so that # _maybe_convert_datetime performs the desired changes if datetime is False or datetime is True: # Either datetime is not given, or True without specifying a # dimension; overwrite datetime = obs_dim elif isinstance(datetime, dict): # Dict argument; ensure the 'dim' key is the same as obs_dim if datetime.setdefault("dim", obs_dim) != obs_dim: msg = ( f"datetime={datetime} conflicts with rtype='compat' and" f" {obs_dim} at observation level" ) raise ValueError(msg) else: assert datetime == obs_dim, (datetime, obs_dim) elif isinstance(obs_dim, DimensionComponent): # Pivot all levels except the observation dimension df = df.unstack([n for n in df.index.names if n !=]) else: # E.g. some JSON messages have two dimensions at the observation level; # behaviour is unspecified here, so do nothing. pass return df, datetime, kwargs def _maybe_convert_datetime(df, arg, obj, dsd=None): """Helper for :meth:`.write_dataset` to handle datetime indices. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame arg : dict From the `datetime` argument to :meth:`write_dataset`. obj : From the `obj` argument to :meth:`write_dataset`. dsd: ~.DataStructureDefinition, optional """ # TODO simplify this method. It has McCabe complexity of 27; the maximum in the rest # of the code is 17. if not arg: # False, None, empty dict: no datetime conversion return df # Check argument values param = dict(dim=None, axis=0, freq=False) if isinstance(arg, str): param["dim"] = arg elif isinstance(arg, DimensionComponent): param["dim"] = elif isinstance(arg, dict): extra_keys = set(arg.keys()) - set(param.keys()) if extra_keys: raise ValueError(extra_keys) param.update(arg) elif isinstance(arg, bool): pass # True else: raise ValueError(arg) def _get_dims(): """Return an appropriate list of dimensions.""" if len(obj.structured_by.dimensions.components): return obj.structured_by.dimensions.components elif dsd: return dsd.dimensions.components else: return [] def _get_attrs(): """Return an appropriate list of attributes.""" if len(obj.structured_by.attributes.components): return obj.structured_by.attributes.components elif dsd: return dsd.attributes.components else: return [] if not param["dim"]: # Determine time dimension dims = _get_dims() for dim in dims: if isinstance(dim, TimeDimension): param["dim"] = dim break if not param["dim"]: raise ValueError(f"no TimeDimension in {dims}") # Unstack all but the time dimension and convert other_dims = list(filter(lambda d: d != param["dim"], df.index.names)) df = df.unstack(other_dims) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) if param["freq"]: # Determine frequency string, Dimension, or Attribute freq = param["freq"] if isinstance(freq, str) and freq not in prefix_mapping: # ID of a Dimension or Attribute for component in chain(_get_dims(), _get_attrs()): if == freq: freq = component break # No named dimension in the DSD; but perhaps on the df if isinstance(freq, str): if freq in df.columns.names: freq = Dimension(id=freq) else: raise ValueError(freq) if isinstance(freq, Dimension): # Retrieve Dimension values from pd.MultiIndex level level = i = df.columns.names.index(level) values = set(df.columns.levels[i]) if len(values) > 1: values = sorted(values) raise ValueError( "cannot convert to PeriodIndex with " f"non-unique freq={values}" ) # Store the unique value freq = values.pop() # Remove the index level df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(i) elif isinstance(freq, DataAttribute): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError df.index = df.index.to_period(freq=freq) if param["axis"] in {1, "columns"}: # Change axis df = df.transpose() return df @writer def _dd(obj: model.DimensionDescriptor): """Convert :class:`.DimensionDescriptor`.""" return writer.recurse(obj.components)
[docs]@writer def write_itemscheme(obj: model.ItemScheme, locale=DEFAULT_LOCALE): """Convert :class:`.ItemScheme`. Parameters ---------- locale : str, optional Locale for names to return. Returns ------- pandas.Series """ items = {} seen: Set[Item] = set() def add_item(item): """Recursive helper for adding items.""" # Track seen items if item in seen: return else: seen.add(item) items[] = dict( # Localized name, # Parent ID if isinstance(item.parent, item.__class__) else "", ) # Add this item's children, recursively for child in item.child: add_item(child) for item in obj: add_item(item) # Convert to DataFrame result = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(items, orient="index", dtype=object).rename_axis(, axis="index" ) if len(result) and not result["parent"].str.len().any(): # 'parent' column is empty; convert to pd.Series and rename result = result["name"].rename( return result
@writer def _mv(obj: model.MemberValue): return obj.value @writer def _na(obj: model.NameableArtefact): return str( def write_serieskeys(obj): result = [] for sk in obj: result.append({dim: kv.value for dim, kv in sk.order().values.items()}) # TODO perhaps return as a pd.MultiIndex if that is more useful return pd.DataFrame(result)