Source code for sdmx.reader.sdmxml

"""SDMXML v2.1 reader."""
# Contents of this file are organized in the order:
# - Utility methods and global variables.
# - Reference and Reader classes.
# - Parser functions for sdmx.message classes, in the same order as
# - Parser functions for sdmx.model classes, in the same order as

import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy
from itertools import chain, product
from operator import itemgetter
from sys import maxsize

from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import QName

import sdmx.urn
from sdmx import message, model
from sdmx.exceptions import XMLParseError  # noqa: F401
from sdmx.format.xml import class_for_tag, qname
from sdmx.reader.base import BaseReader

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PARSE = {}

SKIP = (
    "com:Annotations com:Footer footer:Message "
    # Key and observation values
    "gen:ObsDimension gen:ObsValue gen:Value "
    # Tags that are bare containers for other XML elements
    "str:Categorisations str:CategorySchemes str:Codelists str:Concepts "
    "str:ConstraintAttachment str:Constraints str:Dataflows "
    "str:DataStructureComponents str:DataStructures str:None str:OrganisationSchemes "
    "str:ProvisionAgreements "
    # Contents of references
    ":Ref :URN"

TO_SNAKE_RE = re.compile("([A-Z]+)")

def add_localizations(target: model.InternationalString, values: list) -> None:
    """Add localized strings from *values* to *target*."""
    target.localizations.update({locale: label for locale, label in values})

# filter() conditions; see get_unique() and pop_single()

def matching_class(cls):
    return lambda item: isinstance(item, type) and issubclass(item, cls)

def matching_class0(cls):
    return lambda item: isinstance(item[0], type) and issubclass(item[0], cls)

def setdefault_attrib(target, elem, *names):
        for name in names:
                target.setdefault(to_snake(name), elem.attrib[name])
            except KeyError:
    except AttributeError:

def to_snake(value):
    """Convert *value* from lowerCamelCase to snake_case."""
    return TO_SNAKE_RE.sub(r"_\1", value).lower()

def start(*args, only=True):
    """Decorator for a function that parses "start" events for XML elements."""

    def decorator(func):
        for tag in to_tags(*args):
            PARSE[tag, "start"] = func
            if only:
                PARSE[tag, "end"] = None
        return func

    return decorator

def end(*args, only=True):
    """Decorator for a function that parses "end" events for XML elements."""

    def decorator(func):
        for tag in to_tags(*args):
            PARSE[tag, "end"] = func
            if only:
                PARSE[tag, "start"] = None
        return func

    return decorator

def to_tags(*args):
    return chain(*[[qname(tag) for tag in arg.split()] for arg in args])

PARSE.update({k: None for k in product(to_tags(SKIP), ["start", "end"])})

class NotReference(Exception):

_NO_AGENCY = model.Agency()

class Reference:
    """Temporary class for references.

    - `cls`, `id`, `version`, and `agency_id` are always for a MaintainableArtefact.
    - If the reference target is a MaintainableArtefact (`maintainable` is True),
      `target_cls` and `target_id` are identical to `cls` and `id`, respectively.
    - If the target is not maintainable, `target_cls` and `target_id` describe it.

    `cls_hint` is an optional hint for when the object is instantiated, i.e. a more
    specific override for `cls`/`target_cls`.

    def __init__(self, elem, cls_hint=None):
        parent_tag = elem.tag

            # Use the first child
            elem = elem[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise NotReference

        # Extract information from the XML element
        if elem.tag == "Ref":
            # Element attributes give target_id, id, and version
            target_id = elem.attrib["id"]
            agency_id = elem.attrib.get("agencyID", None)
            id = elem.attrib.get("maintainableParentID", target_id)
            version = elem.attrib.get(
                "maintainableParentVersion", None
            ) or elem.attrib.get("version", None)

            # Attributes of the element itself, if any
            args = (elem.attrib.get("class", None), elem.attrib.get("package", None))
        elif elem.tag == "URN":
            match = sdmx.urn.match(elem.text)

            # If the URN doesn't specify an item ID, it is probably a reference to a
            # MaintainableArtefact, so target_id and id are the same
            target_id = match["item_id"] or match["id"]

            agency_id = match["agency"]
            id = match["id"]
            version = match["version"]

            args = (match["class"], match["package"])
            raise NotReference

        # Find the target class
        target_cls = model.get_class(*args)

        if target_cls is None:
            # Try the parent tag name
            target_cls = class_for_tag(parent_tag)

        if cls_hint and (target_cls is None or issubclass(cls_hint, target_cls)):
            # Hinted class is more specific than target_cls, or failed to find a target
            # class above
            target_cls = cls_hint

        self.maintainable = issubclass(target_cls, model.MaintainableArtefact)

        if self.maintainable:
            # MaintainableArtefact is the same as the target
            cls, id = target_cls, target_id
            # Get the class for the parent MaintainableArtefact
            cls = model.parent_class(target_cls)

        # Store
        self.cls = cls = model.Agency(id=agency_id) if agency_id else _NO_AGENCY = id
        self.version = version
        self.target_cls = target_cls
        self.target_id = target_id

    def __str__(self):  # pragma: no cover
        return (
            f"{self.cls.__name__}={}:{}({self.version}) → "

[docs]class Reader(BaseReader): content_types = [ "application/xml", "application/vnd.sdmx.genericdata+xml", "application/vnd.sdmx.structure+xml", "application/vnd.sdmx.structurespecificdata+xml", "text/xml", ] suffixes = [".xml"]
[docs] @classmethod def detect(cls, content): return content.startswith(b"<")
[docs] def read_message(self, source, dsd=None): # Initialize stacks self.stack = defaultdict(list) # If calling code provided a DSD, add it to a stack self.ignore = set([id(dsd)]) # Let it be ignored when parsing is complete self.push(dsd) try: # Use the etree event-driven parser for event, element in etree.iterparse(source, events=("start", "end")): try: # Retrieve the parsing function for this element & event func = PARSE[element.tag, event] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover # Don't know what to do for this (element, event) raise NotImplementedError(element.tag, event) from None try: # Parse the element result = func(self, element) except TypeError: if func is None: # Explicitly no parser for this (element, event) continue # Skip else: # pragma: no cover raise else: # Store the result self.push(result) if event == "end": element.clear() # Free memory except Exception as exc: # Parsing failed; display some diagnostic information self._dump() print(etree.tostring(element, pretty_print=True).decode()) raise XMLParseError from exc # Parsing complete # Remove some internal items self.pop_single("SS without DSD") self.pop_single("DataSetClass") # Count only non-ignored items uncollected = -1 for key, objects in self.stack.items(): uncollected += sum([1 if id(o) not in self.ignore else 0 for o in objects]) if uncollected > 0: # pragma: no cover self._dump() raise RuntimeError(f"{uncollected} uncollected items") return self.get_single(message.Message)
def _clean(self): # pragma: no cover """Remove empty stacks.""" for key in list(self.stack.keys()): if len(self.stack[key]) == 0: self.stack.pop(key) def _dump(self): # pragma: no cover self._clean() print("\n\n") for key, values in self.stack.items(): print(f"--- {key} ---", values, sep="\n", end="\n\n")
[docs] def push(self, stack_or_obj, obj=None): """Push an object onto a stack.""" if stack_or_obj is None: return if obj is None: # Add the object to a stack based on its class self.stack[stack_or_obj.__class__].append(stack_or_obj) else: # Add to stack with a string name stack = ( stack_or_obj if isinstance(stack_or_obj, str) # Element; use its local name else QName(stack_or_obj).localname ) self.stack[stack].append(obj)
[docs] def stash(self, *stacks): """Temporarily hide all objects in the given `stacks`.""" self.stack["_stash"].append({s: self.pop_all(s, strict=True) for s in stacks})
[docs] def unstash(self): """Restore the objects hidden by the last stash() call to their stacks.""" try: for key, values in self.stack["_stash"].pop(-1).items(): self.stack[key].extend(values) except IndexError: # No stashes pass
[docs] def get_single(self, cls_or_name, id=None, strict=False): """Return a reference to an object while leaving it in its stack. Always returns 1 object. Returns None if no matching object exists, or if 2 or more objects match. If `id` is given, only return an IdentifiableArtefact with the matching ID. If `cls_or_name` is a class and `strict` is False; all objects in *any* stack that are instances of `cls_or_name` *or any a subclass* are collected and checked. If `strict` is True, only the corresponding stack is checked. """ if strict or isinstance(cls_or_name, str): results = self.stack.get(cls_or_name, []) else: results = chain( *map( itemgetter(1), filter(matching_class0(cls_or_name), self.stack.items()), ) ) if id: results = [obj for obj in results if == id] else: results = list(results) return None if len(results) != 1 else results[0]
[docs] def pop_all(self, cls_or_name, strict=False): """Pop all objects from stack *cls_or_name* and return. If `cls_or_name` is a class and `strict` is False; all objects in *any* stack that are instances of `cls_or_name` *or any a subclass* are collected and returned. If `strict` is True, only the corresponding stack is checked. """ if strict or isinstance(cls_or_name, str): return self.stack.pop(cls_or_name, []) else: cond = matching_class(cls_or_name) return list( chain( *[ self.stack.pop(k) if cond(k) else [] for k in list(self.stack.keys()) ] ) )
[docs] def pop_single(self, cls_or_name): """Pop a single object from the stack for `cls_or_name` and return.""" try: return self.stack[cls_or_name].pop(-1) except (IndexError, KeyError): return None
[docs] def peek(self, cls_or_name): """Get the object at the top of stack `cls_or_name` without removing it.""" try: return self.stack[cls_or_name][-1] except IndexError: # pragma: no cover return None
[docs] def pop_resolved_ref(self, cls_or_name): """Pop a reference to `cls_or_name` and resolve it.""" return self.resolve(self.pop_single(cls_or_name))
[docs] def resolve(self, ref): """Resolve the Reference instance `ref`, returning the referred object.""" if not isinstance(ref, Reference): # None, already resolved, or not a Reference return ref # Try to get the target directly target = self.get_single(ref.target_cls, ref.target_id) if target: return target # MaintainableArtefact with is_external_reference=True; either a new object, or # reference to an existing object target_or_parent = self.maintainable( ref.cls, None,,, version=ref.version, ) if ref.maintainable: # `target_or_parent` is the target return target_or_parent # At this point, trying to resolve a reference to a child object of a parent # MaintainableArtefact; `target_or_parent` is the parent parent = target_or_parent if parent.is_external_reference: # Create the child return parent.setdefault(id=ref.target_id) else: try: # Access the child. Mismatch here will raise KeyError return parent[ref.target_id] except KeyError: if isinstance(parent, model.ItemScheme): return parent.get_hierarchical(ref.target_id) raise
[docs] def annotable(self, cls, elem, **kwargs): """Create a AnnotableArtefact of `cls` from `elem` and `kwargs`. Collects all parsed <com:Annotation>. """ if elem is not None: kwargs.setdefault("annotations", []) kwargs["annotations"].extend(self.pop_all(model.Annotation)) return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def identifiable(self, cls, elem, **kwargs): """Create a IdentifiableArtefact of `cls` from `elem` and `kwargs`.""" setdefault_attrib(kwargs, elem, "id", "urn", "uri") return self.annotable(cls, elem, **kwargs)
[docs] def nameable(self, cls, elem, **kwargs): """Create a NameableArtefact of `cls` from `elem` and `kwargs`. Collects all parsed :class:`.InternationalString` localizations of <com:Name> and <com:Description>. """ obj = self.identifiable(cls, elem, **kwargs) if elem is not None: add_localizations(, self.pop_all("Name")) add_localizations(obj.description, self.pop_all("Description")) return obj
[docs] def maintainable(self, cls, elem, **kwargs): """Create or retrieve a MaintainableArtefact of `cls` from `elem` and `kwargs`. Following the SDMX-IM class hierachy, :meth:`maintainable` calls :meth:`nameable`, which in turn calls :meth:`identifiable`, etc. (Since no concrete class is versionable but not maintainable, no separate method is created, for better performance). For all of these methods: - Already-parsed items are removed from the stack only if `elem` is not :obj:`None`. - `kwargs` (e.g. 'id') take precedence over any values retrieved from attributes of `elem`. If `elem` is None, :meth:`maintainable` returns a MaintainableArtefact with the is_external_reference attribute set to :obj:`True`. Subsequent calls with the same object ID will return references to the same object. """ kwargs.setdefault("is_external_reference", elem is None) setdefault_attrib(kwargs, elem, "isExternalReference", "isFinal", "version") kwargs["is_final"] = kwargs.get("is_final", None) == "true" # Create a candidate object obj = self.nameable(cls, elem, **kwargs) # Maybe retrieve an existing object of the same class and ID existing = self.get_single(cls,, strict=True) if existing and (, strict=True) or existing.urn == sdmx.urn.make(obj) ): if elem is not None: # Previously an external reference, now concrete existing.is_external_reference = False # Update `existing` from `obj` to preserve references for attr in list(kwargs.keys()): # # f"Updating {attr} {getattr(existing, attr)} " # f"{getattr(obj, attr)}" # ) setattr(existing, attr, getattr(obj, attr)) # Discard the candidate obj = existing elif obj.is_external_reference: # Push a new external reference onto the stack to be located by next calls self.push(obj) return obj
# Parsers for sdmx.message classes @start( "mes:Error mes:GenericData mes:GenericTimeSeriesData mes:StructureSpecificData " "mes:StructureSpecificTimeSeriesData" ) @start("mes:Structure", only=False) def _message(reader, elem): """Start of a Message.""" # <mes:Structure> within <mes:Header> of a data message is handled by # _header_structure() below. if getattr(elem.getparent(), "tag", None) == qname("mes", "Header"): return ss_without_dsd = False # With 'dsd' argument, the message should be structure-specific if ( "StructureSpecific" in elem.tag and reader.get_single(model.DataStructureDefinition) is None ): log.warning(f"sdmxml.Reader got no dsd=… argument for {QName(elem).localname}") ss_without_dsd = True elif "StructureSpecific" not in elem.tag and reader.get_single( model.DataStructureDefinition ): log.warning("Ambiguous: dsd=… argument for non–structure-specific message") # Store values for other methods reader.push("SS without DSD", ss_without_dsd) if "Data" in elem.tag: reader.push("DataSetClass", model.get_class(f"{QName(elem).localname}Set")) # Instantiate the message object cls = class_for_tag(elem.tag) return cls() @end("mes:Header") def _header(reader, elem): # Attach to the Message header = message.Header( id=reader.pop_single("ID") or None, prepared=reader.pop_single("Prepared") or None, receiver=reader.pop_single("Receiver") or None, sender=reader.pop_single("Sender") or None, test=str(reader.pop_single("Test")).lower() == "true", ) add_localizations(header.source, reader.pop_all("Source")) reader.get_single(message.Message).header = header # TODO add these to the Message class # Appearing in data messages from WB_WDI reader.pop_all("Extracted") # Appearing in data messages from WB_WDI and the footer.xml specimen reader.pop_all("DataSetAction") reader.pop_all("DataSetID") # Apparing in the footer.xml specimen reader.pop_all("Timezone") @end("mes:Receiver mes:Sender") def _header_org(reader, elem): reader.push( elem, reader.nameable( class_for_tag(elem.tag), elem, contact=reader.pop_all(model.Contact) ) ) @end("mes:Structure", only=False) def _header_structure(reader, elem): """<mes:Structure> within <mes:Header> of a DataMessage.""" # The root node of a structure message is handled by _message(), above. if elem.getparent() is None: return msg = reader.get_single(message.Message) # Retrieve a DSD supplied to the parser, e.g. for a structure specific message provided_dsd = reader.get_single(model.DataStructureDefinition) # Resolve the <com:Structure> child to a DSD, maybe is_external_reference=True header_dsd = reader.pop_resolved_ref("Structure") # Resolve the <str:StructureUsage> child, if any, and remove it from the stack header_su = reader.pop_resolved_ref("StructureUsage") reader.pop_single(model.StructureUsage) if provided_dsd: dsd = provided_dsd else: if header_su: # The header gives a StructureUsage object, but it really refers to a DSD su_dsd = reader.maintainable( model.DataStructureDefinition, None,, maintainer=header_su.maintainer, version=header_su.version, ) if header_dsd: if header_su: assert header_dsd == su_dsd dsd = header_dsd elif header_su: reader.push(su_dsd) dsd = su_dsd else: raise RuntimeError # Store as an object that won't cause a parsing error if it is left over reader.ignore.add(id(dsd)) # Store msg.dataflow.structure = dsd # Store under the structure ID, so it can be looked up by that ID reader.push(elem.attrib["structureID"], dsd) try: # Information about the 'dimension at observation level' dim_at_obs = elem.attrib["dimensionAtObservation"] except KeyError: pass else: # Store if dim_at_obs == "AllDimensions": # Use a singleton object dim = model.AllDimensions elif provided_dsd: # Use existing dimension from the provided DSD dim = dsd.dimensions.get(dim_at_obs) else: # Force creation of the 'dimension at observation' level dim = dsd.dimensions.getdefault( dim_at_obs, cls=( model.TimeDimension if "TimeSeries" in elem.getparent().getparent().tag else model.Dimension ), # TODO later, reduce this order=maxsize, ) msg.observation_dimension = dim @end("footer:Footer") def _footer(reader, elem): # Get attributes from the child <footer:Messsage> args = dict() setdefault_attrib(args, elem[0], "code", "severity") if "code" in args: args["code"] = int(args["code"]) reader.get_single(message.Message).footer = message.Footer( text=list(map(model.InternationalString, reader.pop_all("Text"))), **args, ) @end("mes:Structures") def _structures(reader, elem): """End of a stucture message.""" msg = reader.get_single(message.Message) # Populate dictionaries by ID for attr, name in ( ("categorisation", model.Categorisation), ("category_scheme", model.CategoryScheme), ("codelist", model.Codelist), ("concept_scheme", model.ConceptScheme), ("constraint", model.ContentConstraint), ("dataflow", model.DataflowDefinition), ("organisation_scheme", model.OrganisationScheme), ("provisionagreement", model.ProvisionAgreement), ("structure", model.DataStructureDefinition), ): for obj in reader.pop_all(name): getattr(msg, attr)[] = obj # Parsers for sdmx.model classes # §3.2: Base structures @end( "mes:DataSetAction mes:DataSetID mes:ID mes:Prepared mes:Test mes:Timezone " "com:AnnotationType com:AnnotationTitle com:AnnotationURL com:None com:URN " "com:Value mes:Email mes:Extracted str:Email str:Telephone str:URI" ) def _text(reader, elem): reader.push(elem, elem.text) @end( "com:AnnotationText com:Name com:Description com:Text mes:Source str:Department " "str:Role" ) def _localization(reader, elem): reader.push( elem, (elem.attrib.get(qname("xml:lang"), model.DEFAULT_LOCALE), elem.text) ) @end( "com:Structure com:StructureUsage str:AttachmentGroup str:ConceptIdentity " "str:DimensionReference str:Parent str:Source str:Structure str:StructureUsage " "str:Target str:Enumeration" ) def _ref(reader, elem): cls_hint = None if "Parent" in elem.tag: # Use the *grand*-parent of the <Ref> or <URN> for a class hint cls_hint = class_for_tag(elem.getparent().tag) reader.push(QName(elem).localname, Reference(elem, cls_hint)) @end("com:Annotation") def _a(reader, elem): args = dict( title=reader.pop_single("AnnotationTitle"), type=reader.pop_single("AnnotationType"), url=reader.pop_single("AnnotationURL"), ) # Optional 'id' attribute setdefault_attrib(args, elem, "id") a = model.Annotation(**args) add_localizations(a.text, reader.pop_all("AnnotationText")) return a # §3.5: Item Scheme @start("str:Agency str:Code str:Category str:Concept str:DataProvider", only=False) def _item_start(reader, elem): # Avoid stealing the name & description of the parent ItemScheme from the stack # TODO check this works for annotations try: if elem[0].tag in ("Ref", "URN"): # `elem` is a reference, so it has no name/etc.; don't stash return except IndexError: # No child elements; stash() anyway, but it will be a no-op pass reader.stash("Name", "Description") @end("str:Agency str:Code str:Category str:DataProvider", only=False) def _item(reader, elem): try: # <str:DataProvider> may be a reference, e.g. in <str:ConstraintAttachment> return Reference(elem) except NotReference: pass cls = class_for_tag(elem.tag) item = reader.nameable(cls, elem) # Hierarchy is stored in two ways # (1) XML sub-elements of the parent. These have already been parsed. for e in elem: if e.tag == elem.tag: # Found 1 child XML element with same tag → claim 1 child object item.append_child(reader.pop_single(cls)) # (2) through <str:Parent> parent = reader.pop_resolved_ref("Parent") if parent: parent.append_child(item) # Agency only try: = reader.pop_all(model.Contact) except ValueError: # NB this is a ValueError from pydantic, rather than AttributeError from Python pass reader.unstash() return item @end( "str:AgencyScheme str:Codelist str:ConceptScheme str:CategoryScheme " "str:DataProviderScheme", ) def _itemscheme(reader, elem): cls = class_for_tag(elem.tag) # Iterate over all Item objects *and* their children iter_all = chain(*[iter(item) for item in reader.pop_all(cls._Item)]) # Set of objects already added to `items` seen = dict() # Flatten the list, with each item appearing only once items = [seen.setdefault(i, i) for i in iter_all if i not in seen] return reader.maintainable(cls, elem, items=items) # §3.6: Structure @end("str:EnumerationFormat str:TextFormat") def _facet(reader, elem): attrib = copy(elem.attrib) # Parse facet value type; SDMX-ML default is 'String' fvt = attrib.pop("textType", "String") f = model.Facet( # Convert case of the value. In XML, first letter is uppercase; in # the spec and Python enum, lowercase. value_type=model.FacetValueType[fvt[0].lower() + fvt[1:]], # Other attributes are for Facet.type, an instance of FacetType. Convert # the attribute name from camelCase to snake_case type=model.FacetType(**{to_snake(key): val for key, val in attrib.items()}), ) reader.push(elem, f) @end("str:CoreRepresentation str:LocalRepresentation") def _rep(reader, elem): return model.Representation( enumerated=reader.pop_resolved_ref("Enumeration"), non_enumerated=( reader.pop_all("EnumerationFormat") + reader.pop_all("TextFormat") ), ) # §4.4: Concept Scheme @end("str:Concept", only=False) def _concept(reader, elem): concept = _item(reader, elem) concept.core_representation = reader.pop_single(model.Representation) return concept # §3.3: Basic Inheritance @end( "str:Attribute str:Dimension str:GroupDimension str:MeasureDimension " "str:PrimaryMeasure str:TimeDimension" ) def _component(reader, elem): try: # May be a reference return Reference(elem) except NotReference: pass # Object class: {,Measure,Time}Dimension or DataAttribute cls = class_for_tag(elem.tag) args = dict( concept_identity=reader.pop_resolved_ref("ConceptIdentity"), local_representation=reader.pop_single(model.Representation), ) try: args["order"] = int(elem.attrib["position"]) except KeyError: pass # DataAttribute only ar = reader.pop_all(model.AttributeRelationship) if len(ar): assert len(ar) == 1 args["related_to"] = ar[0] return reader.identifiable(cls, elem, **args) @end("str:AttributeList str:DimensionList str:Group str:MeasureList") def _cl(reader, elem): try: # <str:Group> may be a reference return Reference(elem, cls_hint=model.GroupDimensionDescriptor) except NotReference: pass # Retrieve the DSD dsd = reader.peek(model.DataStructureDefinition) assert dsd is not None # Retrieve the components args = dict(components=reader.pop_all(model.Component)) # Determine the class localname = QName(elem).localname if localname == "Group": cls = model.GroupDimensionDescriptor # Replace components with references args["components"] = [ dsd.dimensions.get(ref.target_id) for ref in reader.pop_all("DimensionReference") ] else: # SDMX-ML spec for, e.g. DimensionList: "The id attribute is # provided in this case for completeness. However, its value is # fixed to 'DimensionDescriptor'." cls = class_for_tag(elem.tag) args["id"] = elem.attrib.get("id", cls.__name__) cl = reader.identifiable(cls, elem, **args) try: # DimensionDescriptor only cl.assign_order() except AttributeError: pass # Assign to the DSD eagerly (instead of in _dsd_end()) for reference by next # ComponentList e.g. so that AttributeRelationship can reference the # DimensionDescriptor attr = { model.DimensionDescriptor: "dimensions", model.AttributeDescriptor: "attributes", model.MeasureDescriptor: "measures", model.GroupDimensionDescriptor: "group_dimensions", }.get(cl.__class__) if attr == "group_dimensions": getattr(dsd, attr)[] = cl else: setattr(dsd, attr, cl) # §4.5: Category Scheme @end("str:Categorisation") def _cat(reader, elem): return reader.maintainable( model.Categorisation, elem, artefact=reader.pop_resolved_ref("Source"), category=reader.pop_resolved_ref("Target"), ) # §4.6: Organisations @end("mes:Contact str:Contact") def _contact(reader, elem): contact = model.Contact( telephone=reader.pop_single("Telephone"), uri=reader.pop_all("URI"), email=reader.pop_all("Email"), ) add_localizations(, reader.pop_all("Name")) add_localizations(contact.org_unit, reader.pop_all("Department")) add_localizations(contact.responsibility, reader.pop_all("Role")) return contact # §10.3: Constraints @end("str:Key") def _dk(reader, elem): return model.DataKey( included=elem.attrib.get("isIncluded", True), # Convert MemberSelection/MemberValue from _ms() to ComponentValue key_value={ ms.values_for: model.ComponentValue( value_for=ms.values_for, value=ms.values.pop().value, ) for ms in reader.pop_all(model.MemberSelection) }, ) @end("str:DataKeySet") def _dks(reader, elem): return model.DataKeySet( included=elem.attrib["isIncluded"], keys=reader.pop_all(model.DataKey) ) @end("com:Attribute com:KeyValue") def _ms(reader, elem): # Values are for either a Dimension or Attribute, based on tag name kind = { "KeyValue": ("dimensions", model.Dimension), "Attribute": ("attributes", model.DataAttribute), }.get(QName(elem).localname) try: # Navigate from the current ContentConstraint to a # ConstrainableArtefact. If this is a DataFlow, it has a DSD, which # has an Attribute- or DimensionDescriptor cc_content = reader.stack[Reference] assert len(cc_content) == 1 dfd = reader.resolve(cc_content[0]) cl = getattr(dfd.structure, kind[0]) except AttributeError: # Failed because the ContentConstraint is attached to something, # e.g. DataProvider, that does not provide an association to a DSD. # Try to get a Component from the current scope with matching ID. cl = None component = reader.get_single(kind[1], id=elem.attrib["id"]) else: # Get the Component component = cl.get(elem.attrib["id"]) # Convert to MemberValue values = map(lambda v: model.MemberValue(value=v), reader.pop_all("Value")) if not component: log.warning( f"{cl} has no {kind[1].__name__} with ID {elem.attrib['id']}; XML element " "ignored and MemberValues discarded" ) return None return model.MemberSelection(values_for=component, values=list(values)) @end("str:CubeRegion") def _cr(reader, elem): return model.CubeRegion( included=elem.attrib["include"], # Combine member selections for Dimensions and Attributes member={ms.values_for: ms for ms in reader.pop_all(model.MemberSelection)}, ) @end("str:ContentConstraint") def _cc(reader, elem): cr_str = elem.attrib["type"].lower().replace("allowed", "allowable") content = set() for ref in reader.pop_all(Reference): resolved = reader.resolve(ref) if resolved is None: log.warning(f"Unable to resolve ContentConstraint.content ref:\n {ref}") else: content.add(resolved) return reader.nameable( model.ContentConstraint, elem, role=model.ConstraintRole(role=model.ConstraintRoleType[cr_str]), content=content, data_content_keys=reader.pop_single(model.DataKeySet), data_content_region=reader.pop_all(model.CubeRegion), ) # §5.2: Data Structure Definition @end("str:AttributeRelationship") def _ar(reader, elem): # Retrieve the current DSD dsd = reader.peek(model.DataStructureDefinition) if "None" in elem[0].tag: return model.NoSpecifiedRelationship() # Iterate over parsed references to Components args = dict(dimensions=list()) for ref in reader.pop_all(Reference, strict=True): # Use the <Ref id="..."> to retrieve a Component from the DSD if issubclass(ref.target_cls, model.DimensionComponent): component = dsd.dimensions.get(ref.target_id) args["dimensions"].append(component) elif ref.target_cls is model.PrimaryMeasure: # Since <str:AttributeList> occurs before <str:MeasureList>, this is # usually a forward reference. We *could* eventually resolve it to confirm # consistency (the referenced ID is same as the, but # that doesn't affect the returned value, since PrimaryMeasureRelationship # has no attributes. return model.PrimaryMeasureRelationship() elif ref.target_cls is model.GroupDimensionDescriptor: args["group_key"] = dsd.group_dimensions[ref.target_id] ref = reader.pop_single("AttachmentGroup") if ref: args["group_key"] = dsd.group_dimensions[ref.target_id] if len(args["dimensions"]): return model.DimensionRelationship(**args) else: args.pop("dimensions") return model.GroupRelationship(**args) @start("str:DataStructure", only=False) def _dsd_start(reader, elem): # Get any external reference created earlier, or instantiate a new object. # Children are not parsed at this point dsd = reader.maintainable(model.DataStructureDefinition, elem) if dsd not in reader.stack[model.DataStructureDefinition]: # A new object was created reader.push(dsd) @end("str:DataStructure", only=False) def _dsd_end(reader, elem): dsd = reader.peek(model.DataStructureDefinition) add_localizations(, reader.pop_all("Name")) add_localizations(dsd.description, reader.pop_all("Description")) # TODO also handle annotations etc. @end("str:Dataflow") def _dfd(reader, elem): try: # <str:Dataflow> may be a reference, e.g. in <str:ConstraintAttachment> return Reference(elem) except NotReference: pass structure = reader.pop_resolved_ref("Structure") if structure is None: log.warning( "Not implemented: forward reference to:\n" + etree.tostring(elem).decode() ) arg = {} else: arg = dict(structure=structure) # Create first to collect names return reader.maintainable(model.DataflowDefinition, elem, **arg) # §5.4: Data Set @end("gen:Attributes") def _avs(reader, elem): ad = reader.get_single("DataSet").structured_by.attributes result = {} for e in elem.iterchildren(): da = ad.getdefault(e.attrib["id"]) result[] = model.AttributeValue(value=e.attrib["value"], value_for=da) reader.push("Attributes", result) @end("gen:ObsKey gen:GroupKey gen:SeriesKey") def _key(reader, elem): cls = class_for_tag(elem.tag) kv = {e.attrib["id"]: e.attrib["value"] for e in elem.iterchildren()} dsd = reader.get_single("DataSet").structured_by return dsd.make_key(cls, kv, extend=True) @end("gen:Series") def _series(reader, elem): ds = reader.get_single("DataSet") sk = reader.pop_single(model.SeriesKey) sk.attrib.update(reader.pop_single("Attributes") or {}) ds.add_obs(reader.pop_all(model.Observation), sk) @end(":Series") def _series_ss(reader, elem): ds = reader.get_single("DataSet") ds.add_obs( reader.pop_all(model.Observation), ds.structured_by.make_key( model.SeriesKey, elem.attrib, extend=reader.peek("SS without DSD"), ), ) @end("gen:Group") def _group(reader, elem): ds = reader.get_single("DataSet") gk = reader.pop_single(model.GroupKey) gk.attrib.update(reader.pop_single("Attributes") or {}) # Group association of Observations is done in _ds_end()[gk] = [] @end(":Group") def _group_ss(reader, elem): ds = reader.get_single("DataSet") attrib = copy(elem.attrib) group_id = attrib.pop(qname("xsi", "type"), None) gk = ds.structured_by.make_key( model.GroupKey, attrib, extend=reader.peek("SS without DSD"), ) if group_id: # The group_id is in a format like "foo:GroupName", where "foo" is an XML # namespace ns, group_id = group_id.split(":") assert ns in elem.nsmap try: gk.described_by = ds.structured_by.group_dimensions[group_id] except KeyError: if not reader.peek("SS without DSD"): raise[gk] = [] @end("gen:Obs") def _obs(reader, elem): dim_at_obs = reader.get_single(message.Message).observation_dimension dsd = reader.get_single("DataSet").structured_by args = dict() for e in elem.iterchildren(): localname = QName(e).localname if localname == "Attributes": args["attached_attribute"] = reader.pop_single("Attributes") elif localname == "ObsDimension": # Mutually exclusive with ObsKey args["dimension"] = dsd.make_key( model.Key, { e.attrib["value"]} ) elif localname == "ObsKey": # Mutually exclusive with ObsDimension args["dimension"] = reader.pop_single(model.Key) elif localname == "ObsValue": args["value"] = e.attrib["value"] return model.Observation(**args) @end(":Obs") def _obs_ss(reader, elem): # StructureSpecificData message—all information stored as XML # attributes of the <Observation>. attrib = copy(elem.attrib) # Value of the observation value = attrib.pop("OBS_VALUE", None) # Use the DSD to separate dimensions and attributes dsd = reader.get_single(model.DataStructureDefinition) # Extend the DSD if the user failed to provide it key = dsd.make_key(model.Key, attrib, extend=reader.peek("SS without DSD")) # Remove attributes from the Key to be attached to the Observation aa = key.attrib key.attrib = {} return model.Observation(dimension=key, value=value, attached_attribute=aa) @start("mes:DataSet", only=False) def _ds_start(reader, elem): # Create an instance of a DataSet subclass ds = reader.peek("DataSetClass")() # Store a reference to the DSD that structures the data set id = elem.attrib.get("structureRef", None) or elem.attrib.get( qname("data:structureRef"), None ) ds.structured_by = reader.get_single(id) if not ds.structured_by: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("No DSD when creating DataSet") reader.push("DataSet", ds) @end("mes:DataSet", only=False) def _ds_end(reader, elem): ds = reader.pop_single("DataSet") # Collect observations not grouped by SeriesKey ds.add_obs(reader.pop_all(model.Observation)) # Create group references for obs in ds.obs: ds._add_group_refs(obs) # Add the data set to the message reader.get_single(message.Message).data.append(ds) # §11: Data Provisioning @end("str:ProvisionAgreement") def _pa(reader, elem): return reader.maintainable( model.ProvisionAgreement, elem, structure_usage=reader.pop_resolved_ref("StructureUsage"), data_provider=reader.pop_resolved_ref(Reference), )