Source code for sdmx.remote

import logging
from io import BufferedIOBase, BytesIO
from warnings import warn

import requests

    from requests_cache import CachedSession as MaybeCachedSession
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
        "optional dependency requests_cache is not installed; cache options "
        "to Session() have no effect",
    from requests import Session as MaybeCachedSession

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Session(MaybeCachedSession): """:class:`requests.Session` subclass with optional caching. If requests_cache is installed, this class caches responses. """ def __init__(self, timeout=30.1, proxies=None, stream=False, **kwargs): if MaybeCachedSession is not requests.Session: # Using requests_cache.CachedSession # No cache keyword arguments supplied = don't use the cache disabled = set(kwargs.keys()) <= {"get_footer_url"} if disabled: # Avoid creating any file kwargs["backend"] = "memory" super(Session, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Overwrite value from requests_cache.CachedSession.__init__() self._is_cache_disabled = disabled elif len(kwargs): raise ValueError( "Cache arguments have no effect without " "requests_session: %s" % kwargs ) else: # Plain requests.Session super(Session, self).__init__() # Overwrite values from requests.Session.__init__() self.proxies = proxies self.timeout = timeout = stream
[docs]class ResponseIO(BufferedIOBase): """Buffered wrapper for :class:`requests.Response` with optional file output. :class:`ResponseIO` wraps a :class:`requests.Response` object's 'content' attribute, providing a file-like object from which bytes can be :meth:`read` incrementally. Parameters ---------- response : :class:`requests.Response` HTTP response to wrap. tee : binary, writable :py:class:`io.BufferedIOBasè`, defaults to io.BytesIO() *tee* is exposed as *self.tee* and not closed explicitly. """ def __init__(self, response, tee=None): self.response = response if tee is None: tee = BytesIO() # If tee is a file-like object or tempfile, then use it as cache if isinstance(tee, BufferedIOBase) or hasattr(tee, "file"): self.tee = tee else: # So tee must be str or os.FilePath self.tee = open(tee, "w+b") self.tee.write(response.content) def readable(self): return True def read(self, size=-1): """Read and return up to `size` bytes by calling ````.""" return